Sunday 30 November 2014

There's a big welcome at Highbury

as we look forward to Christmas

Click on the following links to find out more about our special events

and of course our
Christmas Day Celebration
10-30 - a great service for all the family

There's always a welcome to everyone at Highbury.

This Christmas we have an extra specially Big Welcome at lots of events - some old favourites, some new this year.

We are hosting a Christmas Crib Festival that brings together a hundred and more cribs, each of which tells the Christmas story in a different way!  We are launching the Crib Festival at our Christmas Café on Saturday, 13th December and then the church will be open for you to enjoy at a number of times.  For more information click here.

Our Christmas Cafe has become a highlight of our Christmas celebrations and this year is on Saturday 13th Dcember from 10-30 to 1-00.  With lots of stalls from friends in the neighbourhood and freshly brewed coffee and home made cakes it's not to be missed.

We have a number of Carol Services from a traditional set of readings and carols for Advent on Sunday 7th December at 6-30 with our own choir and friends, to our Christingle Service when we welcome the peace Light from Bethlehem on Wednesday, 17th December at 6-00 and the Big Sing as we sing as many favourite carols as we can on Sunday 21st December at 6-30.  And there's more as well.

We will be doing a Children's Nativity Service on Sunday, 14th December.  Children are invited to join us for breakfast at 9-00 and then work on a presentation of the nativity they will then share with us at 10-30.  We will be serving a simple lunch after the service.

This year we are having a  Film Night too when we will be showing the Wizard of Oz (Certificate U) at 5-00 followed by The Way (Certificate 12) at 7-30 - more information here ... and the Trailers to whet your appetite!

Among the highlights of Christmas are the carol services we share with two of Cheltenham Schools, Pittville and Belmont.  More information here!