Film Night

Film Night - Tuesday, 9th December

The Wizard of Oz
Certificate U

Our children's film show will begin with a tea party at 4-30 and then we will show the film at 5-00

The Way
Certificate 12

We're going to follow that with a second film at 7-30.

A moving story of a father struggling with the loss of his son, it stars Martin Sheen and is directed by his son, Emilio Estivez.

It’s no coincidence that we should be showing The Wizard of Oz as a children’s film earlier that same evening.

In one of the extras on the DVD of The Way, Emilio Estivez acknowledges his indebtedness to the Wizard of Oz.

Each film tells of a journey, a pilgrimage, if you like,  taken by someone who experiences the tragedy of loss and finds a wonderful new hope making a journey in the company of four unlikely friends.

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